Saturday, July 29, 2023

Results of "Paint Decatur" Plein Air Event

11 people signed up for the event and met at the Millikin Homestead for a demo on use of oil paintinng for Plein Air on Sunday June 25. MH co-sponsored the event with Barn Colony. Anthony Collins demonstrated his approach by using a picture he had taken of a farmer's market. It was good that MH allowed us to do the demo inside the house, as the weather was hot and windy. 9 of the 11 participants then had all week to paint various scenes in and around Decatur. The judging was done on the 3rd floor of the Madden Art Center because July 1 was immediately after the heavy rainstorm that knocked out power and downed a tree at theMH. Annette Russo was the judge and had the participants input to choose the winners. 

!st place was a watercolor of the Commodore Boat Club by Liza Holder--$75

2nd place was another w/c of St. James Episcopal Church by Mike Delany--$50

3rd place was a gouache painting of the Decatur Transfer House by Stephen Gardner--$25

Here are the results that were on diwsplay at Gallery 510 during the month of July:

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